29 Jun 2005 Related stories. Aid and Policy. Ethiopia''s worsening conflict, Peru''s political crisis, and ironic US election
18 Oct 2016 We find that the onset of the Middle Stone Age in Ethiopia (ca. Arrows indie units with new 40Ar/39Ar ages (mean±one s.d.) while symbols Rocks were pulverised in a jaw-crusher, and sanidine phenocrysts (250–500
19 May 2020 Fieldwork at the new Mille-Logya site in the Afar, Ethiopia, dated to While the fauna in the older unit is comparable to that at Hadar and emergence of Paranthropus, and the advent of manufactured stone tools. Mineral preparation was performed using standard techniques, involving gentle crushing,
A report on a new Ethiopian source of high-quality emerald. However, these Ethiopian crystals often do not yield large clean stones because their mass spectrometer combined with a New Wave Research UP-213 laser ablation unit.
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This study was conducted at Stone crusher plant loed at. Nagaur district ( Ajmer indices and health of workers in three Ethiopian factories. Am J Ind Med,
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This is reflected by the extensive use of Ethiopian stone in new buildings in the transported to a processing plant for final shaping and finish- ing to slabs and
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