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(2016) prices of about $1,100/oz. for gold, $14.00/oz. for silver and $800/oz. for platinum, precious and gravel (aggregate), generally sold by the ton, fob quarry . non-mining areas set aside for the plant, stockpiles, ponds, ramps and roads
Gila River Sand and Gravel. Commercial aggregate and residential sale of gravel and sand for landscaping and building needs.
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There is aggregate mining in 80 of North Carolina¿s 100 counties. The average The year-end average price of aggregate was $6.80 per ton at the plant site.
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(2016) prices of about $1,100/oz. for gold, $14.00/oz. for silver and $800/oz. for platinum, precious and gravel (aggregate), generally sold by the ton, fob quarry . non-mining areas set aside for the plant, stockpiles, ponds, ramps and roads
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21 Mar 2012 The average unit value, which is the free on board at the plant price of a mine and process crushed stone and construction sand and gravel.