Hubungi Kami. PT. Kharisma Harapan Luhur. Alamat. Jl Gading Kirana Utara G10 no 35 Kelapa Gading Barat, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14240 Jakarta Utara 14240. DKI Jakarta , Indonesia. Hubungi dengan Telepon. WhatsApp. Klik untuk Chat.
Company Profile. PT. KHARISMA JAYA NUSANTARA.("KJN") was founded in 2010 and located in Jakarta-Indonesia is one of the company in Indonesia which is engaged in the procurement of telecommunications and Data Networking.In the business field PT.KHARISMA JAYA NUSANTARA want to be part of the competition from several …
PT. KHARISMA ASIA SEJAHTERA adalah sebuah perusahaan yang didirikan pada pertengahan tahun 2009. Perusahaan kami berfokus pada pengembangan bahan yang terbuat dari plastik dan stikers, dengan berbagai bahan, bahan yang kami buat adalah HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE asli atau daur ulang untuk plastik. Dan stiker dengan bahan HVS …
Shareholders, Ownership structure, Directors, CEOs, beneficial control, management and affiliations. Credit score or rating and recommended credit exposure. Data shown is Based on User''s search. Explore PT. Kharisma Rancangadi Pratama on CompanyHouse.ID. Access detailed information including incorporation details, shareholding, directors, and
Production Facilities. PT Kharisma Indonesia provides the best and growing quality and manufacturing standards for all of our products, from leather to non-leather shoes, from infants to adults shoes, from fashion to safety work footwears. Our facilities aim to deliver wider-diverse product range and excellent quality of footwears more than before.
Indonesia''s leading container depot. PT. Dwipa Kharisma Mitra (DKM) was established in 1988 as PT. Dwipakarsa Manunggal which in year 1995 the company has changed its name to PT. Dwipa Kharisma Mitra. We provide outstanding full container depot services, and operates with FIFO container release system. Our professional staffs are experienced in
918;PT Kharisma Baru Indonesia sadar akan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan mereka. Perusahaan ini berkomitmen untuk menjalankan operasinya dengan cara yang bertanggung jawab, menjaga kelestarian lingkungan, serta memberikan kontribusi positif bagi masyarakat sekitar. Mereka juga aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan amal dan …
About Us. Kharisma Group is a family business that moves in the garment industry and located in Cimahi City, West Java. This family business was started in 1998, with the number of employess as that time as many as …
Our Mission. Supplying sanitary products and services with the highest quality. Responding customer and giving the best solutions for customer satisfaction. For Any Question About …
PT Kharisma Indah Plastik (Jakarta, ) Leave a comment. Search for: Hours & Info . PT Kharisma Indah Plastik Kawasan Industri & Pergudangan Muara Karang Pluit Karang Karya Blok III Y 28 DKI, Jakarta Utara 14450 Indonesia (021) 813-85338888. Senin - Sabtu : 9am-6pm. Social.
PT Kharisma Indah Plastik (Jakarta, ) Leave a comment. Search for: Hours & Info . PT Kharisma Indah Plastik Kawasan Industri & Pergudangan Muara Karang Pluit Karang Karya Blok III Y 28 DKI, …
كسارة هيدروليكية,كسارة هيدروليكية ، كماشة ، آلات هندسية ، مشبك هيدروليكي ، ساحق متعدد الوظائف لحفار 30 طن , Find Complete Details about كسارة هيدروليكية,كسارة هيدروليكية ، كماشة ، آلات هندسية ، مشبك هيدروليكي ، ساحق متعدد الوظائف
Company Name : PT. KARINDA KHARISMA . Address : Jl. Raya Serang Km.16.8 Desa Talaga Cikupa Tangerang, Kode pos 15710. Capital : - Telephone : (62-21)596-1003 . Fax : (62-21)596-1002 . Email : [email protected]. Description : Perusahaan bergerak dalam produk sepatu - Maps not Avalaible for This Factory
PT. KHARISMA REKAYASA GLOBAL. Materials Handling and Processing Equipment. Menu. HOME; PROFILE; PROJECT; SERVICE; PRODUCT; CONTACT; Informasi . Office Komplek Sentra Eropa Blok B No. 38 - 39 Kota Wisata, Cibubur - Bogor 16968 ; 021 – 84935086 / 849-39030 / 849-39031 Workshop Jl. Klapa Nunggal No. 113 Kp.
Starting from food service sectors since 1992, PT Pandurasa Kharisma continue to expand into retails.With line of products ranging from 45 international brands such as USA, Canada,Switzerland, France, Germany, Denmark,New Zealand, Australia, Singapore & Malaysia. Our sales team is able to leverage existing relationships to efficiently spread
Company Name: PT. Kharisma Semesta Hijau: Address: JL. Lingkar Selatan I RT. 30 No. 38 Palmerah Jambi Selatan - Jambi: Phone: (0741) 5918188, 5918288
PT. Kharisma Adiguna Perkasa adalah salah satu perusahaan outsourcing yang sedang berkembang dan profesional terutama dalam menangani ketenagakerjaan mulai dari perekrutan, pelatihan, penempatan, training dan uji kompetensi, sampai dengan pemutusan hubungan kerja yang menjadi tanggung jawab perusahaan. Kami menganut beberapa …
About Us. Kharisma Group is a family business that moves in the garment industry and located in Cimahi City, West Java. This family business was started in 1998, with the number of employess as that time as many as 20 people. Over time, the business that we started began to grow to become one of the largest garment manufacturers in Indonesia
20161012;Kirana Tower II Jl. Boulevard Timur No.88 Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara 14240 Indonesia. Telp : +62-021-29490542 Email : [email protected] Mob hp : +62-082122700529
كسارة مخروطية هيدروليكية لمختلف مصانع المعالجة الكسارة المخروطية الهيدروليكية متعددة الأسطوانات هي منتج جديد تمامًا يحل محل الكسارة المخروطية الزنبركية في صناعة بناء التعدين اليوم.
Kharisma Potensia Indonesia. was established in 2013 with business start in HR Consulting, Training Center and Professional Assessment. PT. Kharisma Potensia Indonesia continues to expand business until in 2014, PT. Kharisma Potensia Indonesia started to build a business in the field of Outsourcing and Executive Search services.
Our Mission. Supplying sanitary products and services with the highest quality. Responding customer and giving the best solutions for customer satisfaction. For Any Question About Our Products Please Call 021-84982167 Or Email To [email protected].
PT. Kharisma Perkasa Dewata, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. 204 likes · 11 talking about this · 821 were here. Dealer honda resmi. Melayani penjualan,pemeliharaan dan suku cadang sepeda motor honda. PT. Kharisma Perkasa Dewata, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. 204 likes · 11 talking about this · 821 were here.